
968 wisdom tutorial 5

ideologies and religions
allow us
to share perspectives
with billions of people
building our collective.

but they stop being useful
if they are monopolizing
our consciousness
by trying to be more than
just one of many perspectives.

967 wisdom tutorial 4

using complex words
and inventing new words
is often a way
to lie to others
and yourself.

go back to the source:
use simple words
and you will be more honest.

966 wisdom tutorial 3

write words with less letters.
write sentences with less words.
write articles with less sentences.

this will focus your writing
on truth and meaning.

953 wisdom tutorial 2

one of the better ways
to make others wiser
is to make fun
of their wrong choices.

most will get very upset
but some will change.
do not expect a thank you.

949 wisdom tutorial 1

writing short poems
like this one
every day
increases your wisdom
because it captures
cloudy ideas
into language