
I was reading
about the black plague
on wikipedia
just in case
i am transported
back in time
to the late fourteenth century
and I get a chance
to save the people
and become a hero.

how to sell art

to sell art to dentists, bankers, and lawyers
art needs to tie the room together
and artist must not embarrass them

amazing beauty

i experienced a moment
of unbelievable beauty
for only a nanosecond.
i was fat and in my bed,
the room was dark
and i moved the playstation controller
up and down
and it casted a shadow
on the wall
which i saw in the mirror.
some people never experience
such beauty
in their entire life.

how to be smart

the best motivator
to be smart
is fear.
the more afraid you are
the smarter you are.
the more comfortable you are
the stupider you are.


nature’s half-arsed solution
to a limited memory problem
is a superficial opinionated mess
oversold and overpromoted
by the old whose brains
started deleting old files
decades ago

forty year old man checklist

few extra kilos per year
back pain
maybe whiskey
definitely beer
german car
wake up alarm for sex
everything is a ten year plan
not giving a shit
pretending to not know
how to count to sixty

method acting

a sexy actress got
an important role
to play a paralyzed woman
and to play it better
she broke her own back
and this freaked out everyone
and they cancelled the movie.

sci-fi poetry

no special effect is as good
as the imagination of a person
reading a poem.

thank you oppenheimer

nuclear bomb
made everyone smarter
by a factor of gazillion.

it transformed ultranationalism
from a serious state policy
into cheap talk for moronic assholes.

the first nuclear explosion
was the birth
of real diplomacy.

hurry up, facebook

at some point
facebook algorithms
will discover
immortal people
who have been
hiding from us
for many millennia.



Vinutna Blue Ivy is so very wrong in his Quora answer to What should I never do in writing poetry?

It says:
Short titles is good!
Grammar should is perfect!!
Not use punctuation a lot!!!

value of a family

when chris hemsworth
got the role of thor
he realized he needed
to pump up
as much and as fast he could.

he could only
trust his family
to get the steroids for him.

goal setting

in my last minute
of my life
i want to tell
the best joke ever
and make
everybody laugh

depressing shit

kids pool empty for weeks
alone in a big house
no hidden candy


there is no proof
that long time ago
humans were not
super mega intelligent
and at some point
infected by
a stupidity virus.

siu vásquez

she is a post-it note
ideology is not a chit chat
but life and death stuff.

my first neen poetry workshop

i hope
that someone
will actually
do the whole thing
and publish
their poem online

forgive us children

for disappointing you
by not doing more
to make the world better.
we were lazy and stupid
maybe we could have
skipped sleeping or slept more.
i do not know.
if you also
disappoint your kids
just copy paste this poem.

miltos maxxi show

the last attempt
to save this universe
from the idiots
was ruined
by the laziness.
but everybody was happy.
and miltos can die now.
fuck it.
this universe can
remain idiotic
few hundred years more.


technology is useless
unless it improves our
emotional capacity.


the worst tragedy
is to come up with a great idea
and forget it a minute after.

what is left is
only a feeling
of utter inability and neglect.

kings and queens

kings and queens
can be only if they
get on a stage
and argue
with the hundred
smartest biggest haters,
which is what
every other person
must do every day.

religious are stupid

christians, muslims, jews
are stupid
and they do not understand
anything about the religion.

abraham, jesus, and muhammad
are not a single person.
religion is not a fun story
with a punchline.

abraham is us.
jesus is us.
muhammad is us.
they are not something outside.

growing up defined

growing up
is an einstein rosen bridge
from a creative fun plan
to a piece of shit money planet
made by those
who never had any creative fun.


sooner or later
police will come
to your door
and send your kids
to kill or be killed

the horror

there is nothing worst
than forgetting
it is as if part of you
never existed

turning 40

living so long is boring.
I think we were not meant
to live so long.
I can not remember
most of my life anyway
because it is so long.
the only thing that makes sense
is to be with the kids.
now i just have to
invent some stuff to do
to fill few more years.
I miss war.

why write poems

there is nothing
faster than a poem
when it comes to
telling the truth
about the universe

ren hang dies

on facebook i saw
an image of a poem
which appeared like mine
but it was a poem
by ren hang.
i got scared
that he did the same thing
i wanted to do
but before me.
i felt angry at him
and sorry for my laziness.
but then i read that he died
and i felt safe again.
also i read few of his poems
and they seemed depressing
and my poems are not depressing.
so i won in my mind for now.

business plan

if someone
had shown me
a business plan
for a human life
i would have never invested
in my own life
and would skip
my own birth.

purpose of love

love has
an amazing power
to make
the most useless
and stupid person
into a laser focused
go getter.
without it
we would all be
couch potatoes.

old poetry

long time ago
poems manipulated
the readers
with cheap emotions
and distracted
with useless rhyme.
well, not anymore.

identity is

relative only to the entire universe
focused only on the smallest particles
yet accessible for anything and everything

rip miltos manetas

time transformed
a perfect human
into a fear algorithm
by erasing his
empathy and vision

mexican revolution 2017

josefer asked me to write a poem
about the mexican revolution of 2017
my advice to all mexican revolutionaries
is to quit the revolution
and open an offshore company
and not let the illusion of a nation
enslave them
and fight for the country of one


i survived wars
and financial crashes
i will survive
skipping cake
for one night
as well

nationalism explained

the nationalism gene
is so strong in me
i just watched a documentary
about orcas killing sharks
and i was extremely proud
that a mammal is killing
the toughest fish
because i am a mammal
and fuck those fish

how anarchism looks like

citizenship is sold in a supermarket
taxes are voluntary
voting is for cool stuff only

an even better reason why you should write poetry

you should be prepared
for your last words

thank you Juan Joya Borja

you should win
a nobel peace prize
for El Risitas

a perfect poet

thinks like a
hundred year old
feels like a
two year old

death is a gift

death is the ultimate deadline.
without death we would be lazy
and not make any kids
and kids are important
because they are
better versions of us.

poem for trump clinton putin farage merkel and all the other representatives

i have had enough
of the politicians bombarding me
with fake bullshit drama.
all they want is power
to represent me
without accountability.
fuck that!
they are all the same
and they all play the game
against us.
true freedom does not
include a representative
but direct democracy
on issues.
and do not fall for that
brexit trap.
that is not it.
that is another fake trick
by the representatives
to get in our minds
and get us excited
about bullshit.
they are all the same.
the good and the bad ones.
we do not need representatives.
fuck them!

austin lee

i agreed with austin lee
to write a poem about him
in exchange for his portrait
of my family.

i am not sure
if it is a fair bargain
because the poem will be
only about him
and i will be
only one of the five people
in the portrait.

it would be fair
if my three kids and my girlfriend
would also write poems about him,
or if all of us would write together
a poem about him.

but life is not fair
and it will only get worst from now on
and we learn to roll with the punches
and one of the most important things in life are friends
and i hope austin lee will be my friend
just like rafael rozendaal is,
and wyne veen, and angelo plessas.
because compounding benefits of friendship
are transgenerational
and that is why i made this investment
in an austin lee poem
because that is the only thing i care about today
is my kids friendships in two thousand fifty.

the awesome idea of christianity

an almighty god
just stood and watched
a bunch of idiots
torture and kill his only son.

his son was begging him for help
but he remained silent
so he could save the entire human race
including the idiots.

someone in a desert
thousands of years ago
came up with this story
and converted few billion people.

well done.

that time when i almost killed my son

my son and i woke up together.
we were alone.
we went down to the kitchen
and he wanted to eat a kiwi.
i scooped the kiwi with a spoon
thinking how i can cut out a nice big piece.
i was happy he wanted kiwi in the morning.
i gave the piece to him.
i realized it was big for him
but was confident he can chew it.
he tried hard.
but he started choking.
i flipped him upside down
holding his leg with one arm
and tapping his back with another.
he spat out one piece.
he continued to choke.
i again flipped him over
and started tapping his back.
there was no one to help me.
his life depended on how i tap his back.

super expert

we are all very talented
to do stuff
but our biggest talent
is to ignore death.
as soon as we think of it
we are super experts
in immediately ignoring it.

halloween poem


our son will be a dwarf

we will save money
on clothing and tickets.
he will eat and drink less
and we do not need to
buy a bigger bed.
he will be lighter to carry.
he can be a jockey
or an investment banker.
he could invest
all the money we save
on food, beds, clothing, and tickets.

brexit logic

half of the world
only one nation
in the world.

another half wants
around ten million nations
in the world.

we could make
half of the world
one nation,
and the other half
ten million nations,
and see what happens.

fabrica reunion

i wish pieter hugo
would come to the fabrica reunion
because i still feel extremely bad
that he thought
that i deliberately pushed him
after i was his guest in his home
for a whole week.
although i did not do it
and i said i am sorry hundred times
and he understood each time
i still need to see
true forgiveness on his face.

most important man in the world

to be the most important man in the world
you first need to be able to
breathe, sleep, pee, and poo

report on writing poetry for more than a decade

i still get these amazing ideas
for poems which should change the world.
i get them while i am
driving or showering.
and i think:
this one i will write down
and share online
and the world will love me
and everything will change.
by everything i really think everything.
like, we will not drive but fly.
and internet will be in our minds.
that sort of change.
and then i forget the poem.
and it is the same stupid problem
i had ten years ago
when i started writing poetry.
the worst thing about it is
i do not care so much that i forget.
i do not care that i did not
change the whole world
and made everybody love me.
and even worst worst worst thing is
that i do not care that i do not care.

afterlife happiness and paranoia

i physically died
but i was still conscious.

it took me few moments
to realize that this is afterlife,
that i exist as a spirit
and that i did not end
with my body.

i felt enormously happy.
i was terrified of death
all my life
and there is no death.

but then i thought
what if this ends as well?


i lack
only one thing
in my life:

morning joy

i woke up
and it was still dark
and i was very sweaty and hot
and i moved the sheets just a bit
and a bit of cold air got under
and it felt really refreshing.
i rate this experience
up there with being
the first man on mars
or climbing mount everest.


lonely people,
like geniuses
serial killers,
have little faith
in language
leave clues
which are jokes
irrelevant discoveries.

my 40 days old son

i look at him
and he is so cute
just too cute
i get this huge urge
to rip his cute little fat bald hairy head off
and crush it with my power jaws
and scream until my head explodes
that is how cute marko is
and he makes me feel like this
hundred times a day

charlie hebdo terrorist attack

as someone who lived in a bombed city
i am aware of the frustration
modern warfare creates

after few months of being bombed
and called names on tv and online
anyone will get super pissed off

and for sure there is always someone
enterprising enough to capitalize on this emotion
and that is how you get this shitty terrorism

so essentially
terrorism is not about politics
but about losers trying to get some attention

three stupidest things about nature

time as framework for reality
sentience of mortal beings
living beings dependence on air, drink, and food


i know i am in heaven
every second of my life
is just so great

boss of necklaces

i have this huge enthusiasm
to write one more huge epic poem
which is a copy of
lord of the rings
but with my all my best friends
in real roles
this poem is going to be so awesome
i will become famous
and everybody will love me

the essence of loneliness

am i the only one who wants to have a five euro coffee?
am i the only one who wants to chit chat with random strangers?
am i the only one who wants to see the hobbit movie for the fifth time?
i am.

the curse of knowledge

the more i learn the more i realize
there is even more to learn

knowledge is unlimited
and i will never learn everything

it is an evil trick!

one of the most beautiful moments in my life

this morning
while i was taking a shower
i noticed how water drops were falling
on the plastic shower cabin floor

the drops glittered
in the most beautiful way i have ever seen
but i only noticed it
for a millisecond in the corner of my eye

i tried to replicate
the angle and speed of the drops
but i was not able to see the glitter again
the moment was lost

but i am so happy
to have experienced
this moment of rare beauty
while taking a shower this morning

i am very very very sorry

because i did not write a poem for several weeks
because communism does not work
because capitalism does not work
because there are no teleports
because i am not on tv every day for at least an hour
because time passes
because eggs do not cook in a nanosecond
because i get tired and need to sleep

one more love poem

i want to fuck you so bad
my eyes are leaking acid
and my ass smells like universe

i am an expert in

eating food
number two
being pissed off
watching tv
washing hands
listening to sounds
not seeing in dark
sitting in chairs
walking on various flat surfaces
using forks and glasses
signing documents
looking at things
touching my left eyebrow with my left hand
wiggling my toes
wearing underwear
wearing socks
interpreting time from digital watches
being cold
being warm
being tired
being happy
laughing at really funny jokes
wanting to be on a beach
being horny
swallowing food
taking cash from my wallet and giving it to someone else
putting on and taking off clothes
evaluating weather by looking through the window
holding things with one hand
holding things with two hands
standing on two feet
being proud
being ashamed

take your head electronic

take your head but
take your razor
take your speed
tuck you in, kill the snitch
that electronic sound
drilling in my eye
take your head
tomorrow is dead
hope you divide the sign
of genius
coming to this universe
to clean the dark
from the rain
make the rain
take your head

i am not doing it well

just because
you like it

it does not mean
i do it well

it only means
that you like
what i do

which is
good enough for me

why war is just such shit

i was browsing nonsense websites
for six hours
doing absolutely nothing useful
and thinking how i am wasting time

i somehow ended up listening
the animals’ house of the rising sun
and then it hit me
why war is just such shit

i felt an urge to share
this revelation
and i realized that the best way
is to write a poem

here goes

very smart people can easily
understand themselves and others
which helps them discover
nonviolent productive solutions

not very smart people
can not understand much
and they can not say the right things
and they end up communicating with violence

it takes a very smart person
to make everybody happy
for them it is easy
just like swimming is for champion swimmer

not very smart person
has problems figuring things out
and gets confused
and makes a mess

this is why war just such shit
because it is a product of morons
it is that simple
share this poem

i hate my penis

sometimes it is too big
sometimes it is too small
sometimes it is too hard
sometimes it is to soft
sometimes it is the way i want it
but sometimes not

it is an organ on my body
which is not easy to talk to
i speak to it more than to my liver
but less than to my finger

it is not like an eye
which i can just move
whenever i want to
i hate not having full control
over my penis

poem about selling

selling is like swimming
it takes a lot of time to learn
and is not natural
but if you do not learn
you drown

problem with parents

just when you get used to your parents
they die

the last poem i will ever write

this is the last poem
i will ever write

loser nobody

there are these people
who can do so little
and yet what they do
is so powerful
and meaningful
and fresh

and then
there are these people
who want to be
like these other people
but just can not cut it

and they spend
unbelievable amounts of energy
to achieve
absolutely nothing

and their whole lives
amount to shit and piss they excreted
and nothing else

life is not what i expected

all i wanted from life
was to sleep most of the day
eat ton of cakes and not get fat

and then comes all this stuff
with people getting sick
dieing and fighting

five things you should know about me

i am on planet earth
i am human
i am male
i like to eat
i need lots of love

love poem v2

my woman does not need to be beautiful
my woman does not need to be smart
my woman does not need to be rich
my woman does not need to be or do anything

i found an angry birds space bug

on my sister’s 29th birthday
i have discovered a bug in angry birds space
i feel so special
but less special then this morning
when i found a wordpress bug

i found a wordpress bug

on my sister’s 29th birthday
i have discovered a bug in wordpress
which other
seventy two million
three hundred sixty eight thousand
eight hundred forty users
did not find
i feel so special

emotion is a luxury

rich crave emotion
because they have
time for it

for poor
emotion is a luxury
they do not have time for

once the poor
have time for emotions
then they make a mess of them

emotions need a lot of time
and time is money
and money is with the rich

and rich crave emotion
because they have
time for it

extreme density of expression

guy is licking
his grandma’s pussy
and suddenly he tastes
horse sperm
and says:
“so that is how you died!”

as nikola mentioned

our conversation would be oriented
towards your methods
and how you communicate
the methods to
employees clients suppliers
and how the methods
are reflected in
and automated through
the products

glass freaks me out

i can see through it
but i can not move through it

light photons go through it
but not the molecules of my hand

this is a miracle!

fhack de spel chek

fhack de spel chek
u andrstood mee anyvai

political poem

to increase my position as a poet
i must write a poem
which is essentially a political statement
motivating the people
against the oppressor

another love poem

you are so sexy
i just want to fuck you up
like a bathtub in morocco
while elephants talk shit
there is nothing that can stop
my love
i love you like no one else
i will fuck you up

i need to get back on my horse

i need to get back on my horse
if i could just reach it
and if it would just stand still
i just need to be strong enough
to pull myself up
and put my foot over it
then i will be ok
i will make it
i can heal my wounds and recover
get my strength back
make some money
learn new skills
and get back at them
but i just need to get back on my horse
i can see it
it is there
few steps away
if i get on i will show them
if not i will die in this dirt
and they win
i need to get back on my horse
that would really be good right now

five reasons why husband cries for his dead wife

emotional connection
his own mortality
half of income is lost
no one to wash the dishes
the pain of new dating

ale bodo

go back to work
stop fucking around

more by usher

more by usher
is the best song i heard in my life
it is so fucking awesome
i can not describe it
if you take all art ever made and
compress it in a three minute experience
you can maybe reach
only one promil of how good
more by usher is
i want to sing it every second of my life
if i die after it finshes it is ok
because i heard it
i do not want to die before it finishes
if i am falling off a cliff and i hear it on radio
i will be super happy
if i crash and explode before it finshes
i will be pissed
if it finishes and one millisecond
i crash and die it is ok
but not ok because i want to hear
more by usher again
more more more
i want more by usher
installed in my brain so
only thing i heard for the rest of my life
is unlimited repeat of more by usher
i want my kids to only speak
the words of more by usher
if they make a mistake i will kill them
i want to kill anyone
who even says this song is not
the best sound that will ever
exist in the reality of our universe
or any dimension
anyone who disagrees with this
will die instantly
i will cut their eyes out with my eyelashes
while singing more by usher
fuck this song is good
i am so happy to be alive to hear it
anything else in life is meaningless
more by usher!!!!!

rafael, you went far over limits

i hope that you are realizing
the consequences.
you are losing
the only real artist
who looked on you
as a potential equal.
i was wrong doing so
and I will never do this mistake again.
enjoy the rest of your career.

ultimate evil

i am a sith decepticon
raised in mordor
educated in hogwarths
as part of the slytherin
worked at ocp detroit
as half sardaukar
half borg

italian twelve course meal

caffe e grappa

living with a partner

i am not good with dental hygene
my three minutes three times a day
are actually one minute twice a day
but somehow
every time I start brushing my teeth
my partner rushes in
and sits on the toilet saying:
“i really have to!”
every single time!
i miss brushing my teeth without
the fart echo behind me.
is it too much to ask that
taste and smell senses match.

make a deal with god

if you are to make deals
make sure you make them
with the right person

make a deal with god!
no one ever said
he does not make deals

if you believe in god
you could believe
in deals with god too

if you can not do it yourself
find the dealmaker
find me…

how to write good poetry

first you have to
take poetry seriously
second you have to
not worry how it sounds out loud
poetry is about silence
third you have to
make a point
pointless stuff just
does not work anymore
fourth you have to
be brutally honest
no more bullshit
no one needs it
good luck!

drying off

when i get out of the shower
i first wipe my face
and then my stomach
my ass and legs
while i do this i think
how much it sucks
i was not born
ten thousand years ago
when i could kill people and animals
with random rocks
how boring it is to live
today with all these pussies
with all the luxuries
and this pussy ass internet
i wish i was in cold nature
where i could kill with my hands
or be killed and eaten
that would be awesome
how did we come
from ancient bloodbaths and struggles to
unfriend on facebook?

wildest sex

my wildest sex experience
was sex on a beach
all thirty of us were covered
with fly bear blood
and instead of cumshots
we had laser beams
that burned through the planet
and straight to another universe
and the sound of this massive shag
was so strong
that it went back in time
and altered history
and the air smelled so good
that everybody who smelled it
died instantly
it was very good sex

the coolest guy on planet earth

if i were the coolest guy
on planet earth
i would drive the tank jeep
from aliens
and it would be painted by
salvador dali’s reincarnation
inside it would be covered by diamonds
and then by velcro
i would wear the original underwear
neil armstrong wore when he walked on moon
and i would talk only using
movie quotes
because my brain
would be instantly connected
i would not use money
money would use me
my woman would be
the coolest woman on planet earth
but that is a subject
for another poem

everybody and everything wants my love

toys from childhood
taxi drivers

essence of advertising

i want emotion
i want life
i want to change everything
i want to be the chosen one
i want to succeed
i want to be loved
i want to love
i want to become
a nuclear weapon of love
i want to live forever
i will live forever
i will never die
and everybody will love me
every second of my neverending life
will be an extreme explosion
of wonderful emotions
time is nothing
love it everything
because i am buying
this toothbrush

poem about big shit

the sensations of
pressure buildup
blissful release and
final relaxation
can only be
truly verbalized
by a great poet

advice to rafael

you are a
very smart
very hardworking
very talented
very dutch boy

this book shows
that very early
you have discovered
a working system

is it worth
your life
to this
or any system

or should you go
where no dutch boy
has gone before

alessio sartore

ask him to do 100 things
99 will not get done
but that 1 thing
is the stuff of legends

The scale of cool

Very cool
Super cool
Mega cool
Ultra cool
Uber cool
Beyond cool
Forget cool
Just so cool

t j flynn part two

where is t j flynn?
is he in canada?
is he in paraguay?
is he somewhere
in the middle?
to be or not to be
question is now


whoever had an idea
to make oceans
and mountains
and bananas
and dolphins
and sunsets
and sugar
is a genius

rafael’s drawings

as good
as my

two word words


t j flynn goes to canada

flynn is in paraguay
i am in serbia
he caught me on facebook
asked if he should surprise
a girl in canada
by visiting her tomorrow
i said:
yes, make a video

i wrote a poem about yale q&a expectations

i hope
someone asks me
a question
that makes me feel
like someone gets me
you know
what i mean?

worst thing ever that can happen to you

to have a baby with
epidermolysis bullosa
in a country
that is neither
too developed to
help you deal with it
neither too primitive
to allow you to kill it

you sir

you sir
are a worthless
piece of shit
in the bottom of
my diarrhea
infected by alien
vermin from
a plan which smells
like one big slime
and looks like
negro’s asshole
in a galaxy
which is never
far away enough

you sir
i hate and despise
so much
that when i
just think of you
i go blind
my hair falls off
and my dick
starts to sing
my ass
pukes blood
and i get instant
photographic memory
and can see
through walls

you sir
if you ever die
i will be so happy
that i will
start glowing
in dark
discover the cure
for stupidity
and invent
the character
question and exclamation
all people around me
will become dolphins
and all animals will
learn to do calculus

what is love

for ten years
every day
i ask martina
if she loves me
and she never

why you should write poetry

it takes
only few seconds
to write a poem

no one can
really tell if its
good or bad

there is
a tiny chance
kids will have
those stupid
in school
about your poems

while musicians
and painters
need decades
to perfect their

you do not need
any education or training

the less you know
better your poetry
will be

you hardly need
to know how to spell
or even speak

if no one
has any clue
what your poems
are about
this is perfectly

yet poems are
so very cool

just so
very very cool

stupid entertainment names

fat boy slim
ice tea
ice cube
fifty cent
lady gaga
rolling stone
yo yo
kid rock

i am so smart

i am so smart
i could just explode

i am so smart
i should never die
and if i ever die
every second of my life
should be studied by
million scientists

i am so smart
that i can only
talk to
dolphins and aliens

i am so smart
so gods envy me

i am so smart
if you smell my fart
you can learn
all the secrets
of the universe

tractor in the yard

it is there every day
changes colors
something to talk about
over dinner or coffee

mountains and stars

mountains and stars
are there all the time
i am too lazy to notice
their movement
people keep
convincing me
they do move
ok, ill believe it
mountains and stars

advice to graeme for his birthday

maybe i don’t listen to my own advice
but it does not mean i eat mice
do not work so hard
you will end up like a retard
take it easy and build a house block by block
do you know what is huge? it is my door lock
you can not be everything at once
fuck this! i hate rhyme
happy birthday

knowledge sucks

first and greatest
human invention
is death

why people hate science and love religion and media

you are
totally useless
very soon
you will only be
a pile of smelly junk
people love you
only because they
love themselves
and cause they shit
their pants
when they remember
that they are also

if you ever invented
you do not even
have a clue how you
invented it
it just happened
and you have no control

if you ever did
anything good
it was only an
something that
could have easily have
happened to
anyone else

you do not
even suck
you are not
even that important
you are just
a stupid useless
chemical nanoevent
in otherwise
meaningless oblivion

die antwoord

i will
write a poem
die antwoord

cartoon graveyard

there is
no such thing
do not die

cats are smarter

they do not need clothes

they talk only
when there is something
important to be said

they do not restrain
carnal desires

they live in a state
of nirvana by default

they communicate
with their excrements

perfect breakfast

nice toasted bread
orange jam
with cold milk
in bed
with a good movie
in a cafe
next to a cold ocean



i will not sell out cheap

i will not sell out
i will not sell
i will not
i will

make parents unhappy

do not make kids
die as soon as you can
be unhealthy and weak
be unpredictable

make parents happy

make kids
do not die before them
appear healthy and strong
be predictable

john matuszak

play hard!
party harder!
you guys!
sloth love chunk!

mega grumpy

don’t you
just hate
polite and
happy people

happy bday mr clarke

when the night is cold
when the evil is too strong
when the volcanoes erupt
and the weak cry for help
when the nation needs a leader
when women need a lover
when men need a friend
when we all need a hero
whom shall we call?
whom do we need?
mr clarke!

the first kiss

is as good
as much as
the first sex sucks

sudden death of friend’s younger brother

fuck, it sucks


an average person
farts fourteen times a day
and creates maybe a litre of gas
multiply this by how many people
there are in this tiny atmosphere
and remember it next time
you complain about someone
farting next to you

in awe of myself

i am so awesome
and i enjoy myself so much
i think everybody should
just be amazed by me
cause im so superb
i will help others
feel this awe
and make the world
a better place

a very good party is

when the music is so loud
that you start crying blood
when you are so drunk
that you cut your fingers off
and you do not care
when sex is so good
that you puke on her face
and you both love it
when you wake up
raped, broke and without fingers
and you just want to
play videogames
that is a very good party


when i was a kid and i saw a lot of
animated films in which
it was a punishment for seamen
to peal potatos
i think mickey mouse does it
in his first film
must be horrible to peal them
thank god for artificial stuff like
mcdonalds french fries
which by the way
are invented by belgians

another bullshit poem about my childhood

if you drive a cat
you have to learn not to
open the red cucumber
i was in the school
yoodle doo
ok and than it hit me
black is not back
and mice do not eat computers
at least not when
i transmit
you egomaniac
i hate you

jesus christ

if jesus christ was alive today
and he probably is
he would be working in a beach bar
somewhere far away from jerusalem
and he would go out with teenage tourist girls

brian cassidy

brian visited me and one day
we ate so much meat
rafael was there as well
it was so much that we all felt dizzy
as soon as i parked i fell down in the mud and trash
and fell asleep
rafael fell next to me
i dont know how brian could go around
and take photos but he did

kenneth aronson

the only man
who sold
the hell
i know of


no one
moved it
for few thousand

bill gates

that guy
wrote basic
one version of it
at least
with two other guys
thats cool
no matter what

karf oolhu

i am
a fan
of him
lego stuff
for sure

neenstars mai fucked

miltos manetas
mike calvert
rafael rozendaal
jimmy hendrix
george bush
nikola tesla
frodo baggins
donald duck


you can live with them
and you cant live without them
they are your best friend
and your worst enemy
and one day i will be a parent too
which is so scary
and so far away

lance armstrong bumber sticker poem

2 cool
2 b doped


a quick poem
about koyaanisqatsi
just before
i go out

toilet paper

whoever invented toilet paper is a genius
just imagine the world without it
there would be much more trees
and much less homosexuals


i just wrote this title out of the blue
and have no idea what this poem will be about
nor i know much about cocoabutter
apart that its probably mostly fat

benefits of bad memory

meeting new people all the time
not remembering your fuckups
believing you are charming
learning not to give a fuck
enjoying the moment
eating mcdonalds more often
looking positively towards future

thank you mr. death

for letting me live
so long
im already 30
that is already
way too much
a bit more would
be ok
but i am not
whatever you decide
is cool with me

the truth

one day i will
expose the truth
and the whole world
will just crumble down
it will be so
super super cool

this is the best shirt ever

this shirt is so fucking great
it is so good
i can just like shit myself
and it is too good
like warm and soft in my pants
that is how good this shirt is

death again

whenever i have
nothing good to write about
i write about death
it is the easiest
most universal subject
very commercial
easy sale!

the burp of truth

it came from the depths of hell
straight into the universe of sound
i was scared but i stood my ground
unmoved by its awesome power
one burp to rule them all

happy birthday miltos

one more year
of doing stuff
has passed


like being the only person
on a small sinking boat in january
in the middle of the ocean at night
and there are about fifty sharks
swimming around your sinking boat
and they are very hungry
and you have aids for ten years
and never told anyone
and you are sorry for so many things
but you can not apologize to anyone
because soon you will sink and
sharks will eat you

at any point in my life

i would not like
to have my penis cut off
by a cigar cutter
to fall face down and
break my teeth on a rock
to insult someone so much
that they never speak to me again
to have lumbal punction
or to burry my children
while dying of
a very painful cancer
while my wife is cheating
on me with my best friend
who owes me money

brushing teeth

why would someone
at the age of twenty eight
with almost no career,
focus and daydream completely
on writing this poem
and on nothing else,
is that a loser or
winner mentality?

funny poem

blind man is touching a grater
and than he says:
who wrote this bullshit?


i am 28 years old and
that is already more than enough
i guess its important not to
worry yourself about it too much

the way poetry was 100 years ago

polka makes a lot of sense
when it is than
mustard is eating my brain
so now what
pokemon rules and dogs
do not care if cats
combined with cars
can go the distance
however if you are ever around
make sure potatos
are rotten
when you enter the castle of evil
forget the color of your underwear
sun is green only
when jupiter is on purple ice
rats are in my ass
colors are running away


angelo asked me for
hundredth time if i have a webcam
and for hundredth time
i told him i dont have one


i think
i am sure my poems
are classics even before
people read them
how this is possible
i do not know
it just is


sometimes its a clear day
and im just doing my usual stuff
and it comes to me
i just realize
how fucking cool metallica is

miltos manetas

the older i am
the more i like him
i guess when i am hundred years old
i will like him a lot

im really into it

yeah im doing well
now im doing better
and im doing it so well
im faster and better
and im kicking ass
feels so good

rafael rozendaal

a child in a man’s body
or a man in a child’s body
is the question now
but he has big ears
and is surely a fine lad

my best poem so far

this is a really cool poem
i am writing it now
and i dont know how it will continue
but im sure its the best one i wrote so far


i am the most neen person that i have ever met
and using this standard i judge everyone else
of course everyone is inferior to me
when it comes to being neen
some would probably disagree to this
but no one is really sure what neen is
so i win

training for my parents’ death

i have been eating well
lifting weights
doing long easy runs
reading up on the subject
gathering experiences
establishing contacts
i should be ready

lets go to war

theres nothing else to do
we are super bored
those people over there
do not like our food
lets kill them
we need more money
they have it
lets kill them and take it
its easier than
selling them shit
lets go to war
because it is fun
most people
are fucking terrified of war
but fuckem
it is fun for us