1363 thank you, new instantgram likers

thank you to 150 or so people
who liked my parenting poem
on instantgram.

if i could somehow convert you
to each of you giving me 10,000 usd
i could finally make that down payment
for my ass-to-lower back hair transplant.

i always wanted my lower back
to be as hairy as my ass
and you can make my dream come true.

1358 rate this poem

please rate this poem
from zero to ten.
ten is the best poem
you every read in your life.
zero is a piece of shit.
thank you.

1348 why my teeth are ugly

for the last ten years
i have been thinking
if i should make
my teeth prettier
and i always decided
to leave them ugly
because i do not want
people to like me
because i am pretty

1245 independence scale

1 alto adige
2 veneto
3 sicilia
4 basque country
5 texas
6 navajo nation
7 catalonia
8 republika srpska
9 kosovo
10 palestine

1199 how to manage rewarding

do not be an egomaniac
who gives only 1 reward of 10,000 euro
but give 100 rewards of 100 euro.

also it is a bit stupid
to give 1,000 rewards of 10 euro
or 10 rewards of 1,000 eur.

and make sure to reward
everyone in the world
instead of just the people in your village.

1186 fuck books

just because you
read, own, write, quote a lot of books,
it does not mean you know shit.

books are just a fucking product
made to help you feel smarter than others.
they are a louis vuitton bag.

sure, writing a book
takes a lot of brain effort
but so does masturbating ten times a day.

smart people were much more useful
before books were invented.
they did not need 300 pages to be heard.

if you want to be smart
do not buy things
that make you feel smart.

1123 i will try

i will try
to write ten poems
not about
pretentious philosophical things

1065 dead poets society is wrong

dead poets society is wrong
for glorifying only a few
dead poets.

most people today
know less than ten poets
of which most are dead.

a better film would be living poets society
which glorifies millions of poets
living amongst us.

1039 the cost of change

10,000 years ago
a different thinker had to convince
10 people
using 1 unit of energy
to make a change for all of us

1,000 years ago
a different thinker had to convince
1,000 people
using 100 units of energy
to make a change for all of us

100 years ago
a different thinker had to convince
10,000 people
using 1,000 units of energy
to make a change for all of us

a different thinker has to convince
100 million people
using 10 million units of energy
to make a change for all of us

935 kamikaze design

i have reached
the ninth level of design –
the kamikaze level –
designing products
which can change the world
but do not change it
and instead change few people
who might design products
which change the world.

i can still reach
the tenth level of design,
the god level –
designing products
which change the world.

761 i failed in not reacting

on 14:42 wednesday 10 august 2022
i reacted to a youtube video
failing to operate using only
my own independent thought

760 i will not react anymore

on 14:40 wednesday 10 august 2022
i will completely stop reacting
and will operate using only
my own independent thought

756 thank you joshua james clancy

on instagram
you saw a poetry competition
offering ten thousand us dollars
and of all the poets in the world
you chose to tag me in the comment.

that made my day
and i hope this poem
makes your day,
or at least an hour.

being tagged by you
made me more happy
than winning that competition.

i would like to buy you a drink.
if you are in serbia or italy
give me a call at +381632689

doors of perception

write ten poems or draw ten drawings
and you are bound to stumble upon
some kind of a truth
which was hidden from you
your entire life.

it is that easy
to open the doors of perception
if you have the courage.

but the better you become
in writing poems and drawing drawings
the more poems and drawings
you must make
to open the doors
and it gets scarier and scarier.

consciousness explained

take a 10 minute drive
to a supermarket
and let your mind drift away.
one part of your mind
will continue driving
and the other will think
about the universe
or imagine crazy stuff
better than any movie ever made.

what is love

for ten years
every day
i ask martina
if she loves me
and she never


like being the only person
on a small sinking boat in january
in the middle of the ocean at night
and there are about fifty sharks
swimming around your sinking boat
and they are very hungry
and you have aids for ten years
and never told anyone
and you are sorry for so many things
but you can not apologize to anyone
because soon you will sink and
sharks will eat you