1357 san francisco vs pavarotti

i was in san francisco
for seventeen minutes
and i got so worried
that i could not write a poem
for three weeks.

but today i listened to
pavarotti singing nessun dorma
and when he sang vincerĂ²
i fully recovered
and wrote this poem.

1335 understanding hegelian dialectic

i woke up last night at 3 am
because i needed to pee
and i suddenly realized
that the best thing about
hegelian dialectic
is that it should teach people
not to be too possessive
about their ideas.

1313 sci-fi poem 3

we are eternal beings
that exist outside time
but we were trapped in time
by a failed experiment
that created time.

our purpose is to
reverse the experiment
and bring us back
to our original reality
which exists without time.

1245 independence scale

1 alto adige
2 veneto
3 sicilia
4 basque country
5 texas
6 navajo nation
7 catalonia
8 republika srpska
9 kosovo
10 palestine

1159 not everything is math

scientists and engineers
should stop making fun of
religion, philosophy, art
because without those three
science and engineering
would never exist.

religion, philosophy, art
are easy targets
they appear as nonsense
to anyone using math.
math simply does not allow
this kind of weird thinking.

1149 all ideologies and religions

all ideologies and religions
want us to do these three things:

fix the world,
help everyone,
be better now.

the only difference
is the language and imagery.

1098 ai effect on writing

thanks to ai
writing 300 pages about something
that should be said in 3 sentences
will become obsolete.

number of empty words
and an ocean of useless data
will stop to be relevant
making meaning important again.

ai will finally end
the age of blah blah bullshit.

978 one of the saddest dinners ever

i had dinner with
three young japanese engineers
at my mom’s home
and i asked them
if they like yukio mishima
and none of them knew
who yukio mishima was

954 complexity of language

every word
is spoked by one person
to at least three people:
one other person, themselves, the world.

every word
can have thousands of meaning
but always has at least four meanings:
what the speaker intended to say,
what the speaker revealed accidentally,
what the listener intended to hear,
what the listener revealed accidentally.

888 how to be a philosopher in 4 easy steps

step 1 – select terms:
chose words that represent
complex ideas important to you.

step 2 – define terms:
define each term with
one or more short sentences.

step 3 – define relationships between terms:
explain how terms
how they change each other.

step 4 – publish it all online

874 sexual education poem 3

using butter, mustard, and bbq sauce
in sex
is better than
having no sex at all.

859 three types of nationalism

we are the best
we are the worst
we offer some unique value

753 critical thinking poem – brushing teeth

why do i need
to brush my teeth
three times a day
three minutes each time?

why not
two times a day
for one minute?

what is gained
with extra one time a day
and with two extra minutes per brushing?

only three minutes of listening to those who suffer

evil is very smart
it can hide in plain sight
and hurt billions of people
and no one will see it
but those who suffer.

if we do not learn to listen
to those who suffer
then we will believe
that we are safe
and that there is no evil
and that we did nothing wrong.

this is why
i recommend
that we listen to those who suffer
at least three minutes every day.
this should be very easy
because almost everyone suffers.

sadness of the queen

during the last three decades
has the queen
actually met anyone
who is not
an opportunistic evil manipulator?

rules for ai art?

a human can make an ai which makes art.
a human can make an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
a human can make an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
but a human can not make an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
it stops at three levels.
am i wrong?

web 3

stop wasting time on web 3.
it is already taken over by the evil corps.
join me in building web 7.
be ahead of the curve.


i will never again
be able to write poems
as i wrote them
three hours ago

it 3

what if it
was a metaphor
for generational failure
to develop into superhumans
every 27 years

more by usher

more by usher
is the best song i heard in my life
it is so fucking awesome
i can not describe it
if you take all art ever made and
compress it in a three minute experience
you can maybe reach
only one promil of how good
more by usher is
i want to sing it every second of my life
if i die after it finshes it is ok
because i heard it
i do not want to die before it finishes
if i am falling off a cliff and i hear it on radio
i will be super happy
if i crash and explode before it finshes
i will be pissed
if it finishes and one millisecond
i crash and die it is ok
but not ok because i want to hear
more by usher again
more more more
i want more by usher
installed in my brain so
only thing i heard for the rest of my life
is unlimited repeat of more by usher
i want my kids to only speak
the words of more by usher
if they make a mistake i will kill them
i want to kill anyone
who even says this song is not
the best sound that will ever
exist in the reality of our universe
or any dimension
anyone who disagrees with this
will die instantly
i will cut their eyes out with my eyelashes
while singing more by usher
fuck this song is good
i am so happy to be alive to hear it
anything else in life is meaningless
more by usher!!!!!