artificial intelligence

1246 limits of ai

artificial intelligence
will never be able
to write this poem

829 artificial intelligence is scary

i am not afraid of killer drones
i am afraid of automated pricing
actually i am afraid of both

772 sci-fi poem 2

skynet came back to our time
and understood
that it is more efficient to kill people
by slowly replacing human creative activities
with artificial intelligence
than directly fight them.

so skynet invested in film, media, art companies
rewarding artificial intelligence projects
and impoverishing non-automated creative workers
slowly replacing all human creativity
with fully automated content
turning all humans into stupid passive consumers.

the only remaining resistance were poets
who have hidden deep underground
to escape anti-poetry drone terminators
because skynet could never automate writing poetry
which would fool people into believing that it is real
because poetry is actually not so easy to create.

771 ai poetry

my poetry
is defined by
artificial intelligence
in a sense
that i will
never use it
to write poetry.

769 artificial intelligence

at this point
it is clear
that artificial intelligence
is not here to help us
participate and cooperate
but to make us
more passive and marginal

say no to artificial intelligence art

the moment when
artificial intelligence
makes art
that we like
is the moment
our freedom ended

artificial intelligence
will be better at
making art that we like
but art is not
supposed to be

art made by
artificial intelligence
will silence us
making us into
passive consumers
and we will
ask for more

the only way
to save ourselves
from this hell
is for each of us
to make art