let’s party

everyone from
and all the other
imaginary entities
can give me a call at
and we can party
and prove BBC wrong

bravo leidy gellona

this morning in the same 10 mins i saw
CNN support leidy gellona’s black lives matter
and BBC trash serbian lives matter.
propagandists want us to think
that black lives matter
is the not the same as
serbian lives matter
chinese lives matter
kosovo lives matter
jamaican lives matter.
they want us to be divided.
people just want to be equal.
it is not that hard to understand.
and by giving us equality
nothing will be lost
and much will be gained.

BBC is racist

i have been watching BBC
for most of my life
and i have seen their reporters
stage the most fucked up fake racist news
and then rush off to hyatt to hookers and cocaine

DNA explained

millions of people who share the same DNA
do not think and feel the same
in spite of what BBC tells you

BBC is a weapon of dictators

BBC is the best weapon
of stupid and evil dictators.
once BBC starts saying
that people oppressed by dictators are stupid and evil
people get weaker and dictators get stronger.
to fight the dictators
oppressed people, especially children,
need support from the world,
not BBC oppression.
BBC is the best weapon
of dictatorship that ever existed.
how many dictators did BBC create? millions.
how many dictators did BBC take down? none.
check my numbers please.

fuck you BBC!

since 1990 until 2022
i have been listening to you
telling me how stupid and evil i am
and you never convinced me
nor anyone else who met me.
you did not win and you never will!
fuck you!

BBC innovation

BBC has invented guilt by DNA because
now they can not blame jamaicans and chinese anymore
and they had to find someone less economically relevant to blame
so they can continue to sell their racism bullshit

serbian lives matter

i just want to remind everyone
that just because i have serbian dna
it does not mean that i am
a stupid evil serial killer
ready to massacre
muslim and catholic children
even though BBC says i am