
1328 ai definition bullshit

ai is not a specific thing.
it is a vague idea
that can be anything
you or your boss wants it to be.

just please
do not believe the hype
that it is only a specific good thing
like a polio vaccine or a toothbrush.

1274 investigative (real) journalists

in a world in which
a lot of our decisions still depend
on centralized mass media
investigative (real) journalists,
are necessary as an alternative
to corporate and political bullshit.

otherwise, our decisions
will be poorly informed
and quality of life of everyone
will diminish.

1198 i love the real war

i love the real war
the way it was thousands of years ago
when we fought for food and survival
and it was absolutely impossible
to reason with the enemy
and only the smartest won.

what you call war today is not war.
it is a fake mass media bullshit
built with incomplete idiotic ideologies
feeding on the weak and stupid.

when there is a real war – call me.
do not bother me over this new bullshit thing.

1098 ai effect on writing

thanks to ai
writing 300 pages about something
that should be said in 3 sentences
will become obsolete.

number of empty words
and an ocean of useless data
will stop to be relevant
making meaning important again.

ai will finally end
the age of blah blah bullshit.

926 bullshit makes us weak

after so much bullshit
i am questioning myself
if i would fight back at all

925 leo will not save us

the movie don’t look up
is the new bullshit
taking over the power
of the old bullshit

923 recession is coming!

is the best way
to remove
all the bullshit
that piled up

902 how to be a hero

everyone wants to be a hero
in the epic story of our lives.

if you find the truth you can be a true hero.
if you believe the lies you can be a false hero.

but you can never be a hero if you listen to bullshit.
bullshit took heroism away from our lives.

901 bullshit defined

bullshit is worse than a lie
because it makes us
confused, passive, impotent

900 do not be a fool

truth moves us forward
lie moves us backward
bullshit blocks our movement

755 the freedom of poetry

writing poems
allows me to express
my smallest single isolated ideas
without the burden
of wrapping it up
in a bullshit narrative
or proving it with
bullshit imaginary experiences.

poems are
smallest indivisible particles
of conscious thought
made for sharing.

692 sheryl sandberg loses

sheryl sandberg
is another example
of how we miss
the greatest opportunity
of our lives
to liberate everyone
with truth.

and so
we will continue
marching on
into the sea of bullshit.

putins and xis are the west

putins and xis are important parts of the west
and not alien evils.

the west should consider them as its product
and valuable customer feedback.

putins and xis are just like cancer:
a predictable reaction to centuries of racism and bullshit.

the west, which lied for decades about climate crisis
has no choice but to create putins and xis every few decades.

the west is simply not valuable enough
to billions of people who choose alternatives.

to win against putins and xis the west should ask everyone
what they want and then actually do that.

BBC innovation

BBC has invented guilt by DNA because
now they can not blame jamaicans and chinese anymore
and they had to find someone less economically relevant to blame
so they can continue to sell their racism bullshit

political duopoly is bullshit

every person
has a number of political choices
and in a political duopoly
two parties will divide
all these choices
between them
two highly hateful groups.

this kind of bullshit
will keep on going
with every new choice
for thousands of years
because these two parties
will never allow
any change.

art history

art history
is the most bullshit bullshit ever
because it never mentions
the little people.
just imagine if history
was written like that:
only about the kings.
how stupid would that be!

poem for trump clinton putin farage merkel and all the other representatives

i have had enough
of the politicians bombarding me
with fake bullshit drama.
all they want is power
to represent me
without accountability.
fuck that!
they are all the same
and they all play the game
against us.
true freedom does not
include a representative
but direct democracy
on issues.
and do not fall for that
brexit trap.
that is not it.
that is another fake trick
by the representatives
to get in our minds
and get us excited
about bullshit.
they are all the same.
the good and the bad ones.
we do not need representatives.
fuck them!

how to write good poetry

first you have to
take poetry seriously
second you have to
not worry how it sounds out loud
poetry is about silence
third you have to
make a point
pointless stuff just
does not work anymore
fourth you have to
be brutally honest
no more bullshit
no one needs it
good luck!

another bullshit poem about my childhood

if you drive a cat
you have to learn not to
open the red cucumber
i was in the school
yoodle doo
ok and than it hit me
black is not back
and mice do not eat computers
at least not when
i transmit
you egomaniac
i hate you

funny poem

blind man is touching a grater
and than he says:
who wrote this bullshit?