my communist projects
are always rejected by communists
and supported by capitalists
my capitalist projects
are always rejected by capitalists
and supported by communists
my communist projects
are always rejected by communists
and supported by capitalists
my capitalist projects
are always rejected by capitalists
and supported by communists
golf swing
golf shot
golf game
golf player
golf tournament
capitalists accepted socialism.
socialists accepted capitalism.
so it is time to stop pretending
these two are exclusive
and start using them as they are:
only two of thousands
of specific solutions
each needed to solve
a specific problem.
reject idiotic divisive simplifications.
accept empowering complexity.
buddhism: try not to care
hedonism: let’s just have fun
stoicism: do what you can
christianity: say you are sorry, but mean it
capitalism: how much is it?
anarchism: don’t force me!
marxism: the boss should share more
nihilism: don’t waste time
modernism: everything is science
postmodernism: leave them alone!
metamodernism: all ideas are ok
capitalism is not about capital.
it is about letting everyone try
to cheat death
and become immortal.
because i did not write a poem for several weeks
because communism does not work
because capitalism does not work
because there are no teleports
because i am not on tv every day for at least an hour
because time passes
because eggs do not cook in a nanosecond
because i get tired and need to sleep