
1368 a famous chinese proverb

a young person is young
because they hold the belief
that they will create the change
in the world

an old person is old
because they hold the belief
they they will create the change
in the world

1310 my answer to all war questions

i am a very empathetic person
and i empathize with everyone:
russians, ukrainians,
israelis, palestinians,
serbs, albanians,
christians, muslims,
americans, chinese.

everyone has a solid reason
for whatever they are doing
but at the end, out of all the groups,
i do favor kids
and i am not a fan of kids getting hurt.

827 ying and yang

trust the chinese wisdom
that there is a lot of wisdom
in the stupidest shit you heard

we are all separatists

there would be no ungabunga if it was better to be gungamunga
there would be no athens if it was better to be greek
there would be no greece if it was better to be a persian
there would be no byzantium if it was better to be a roman
there would be no usa if it was better to be british
there would be no serbia if it was better to be ottoman
there would be no padania if it was better to be italian
there would be no taiwan if it was better to be chinese
there would be no kosovo if it was better to be serbian
there would be no uk if it was better to be european
there would be no donbas if it was better to be ukrainian
there would be no ukraine if it was better to be russian
there would be no russia if it was better to be icelandic
there would be no iceland if it was better to be brazilian
there would be no countries if it was better to be a citizen of ia48x

bravo leidy gellona

this morning in the same 10 mins i saw
CNN support leidy gellona’s black lives matter
and BBC trash serbian lives matter.
propagandists want us to think
that black lives matter
is the not the same as
serbian lives matter
chinese lives matter
kosovo lives matter
jamaican lives matter.
they want us to be divided.
people just want to be equal.
it is not that hard to understand.
and by giving us equality
nothing will be lost
and much will be gained.

BBC innovation

BBC has invented guilt by DNA because
now they can not blame jamaicans and chinese anymore
and they had to find someone less economically relevant to blame
so they can continue to sell their racism bullshit

usa is the best fucking country in the world

usa is a seriously fucked up place
but it is still the best
which says a lot about the other places.

it is the only place where
you can be worshiped for doing weirdest shit
and this is why they innovate more than any other place.

for all of you bitches who think china is better
just remember that
you will never be chinese.

for all of you idiots who think eu is better
just remember that obvious fuckups
are better than hidden fuckups.

if you want a better world
fix usa
because it is here to stay.

ren hang dies

on facebook i saw
an image of a poem
which appeared like mine
but it was a poem
by ren hang.
i got scared
that he did the same thing
i wanted to do
but before me.
i felt angry at him
and sorry for my laziness.
but then i read that he died
and i felt safe again.
also i read few of his poems
and they seemed depressing
and my poems are not depressing.
so i won in my mind for now.