usa is the global leader
in democracy and innovation
but usa’s commitment
to democracy innovation
is zero dollars and zero people.
i guess, in usa
one can innovate everything
as long as citizens
do not gain more power.
usa is the global leader
in democracy and innovation
but usa’s commitment
to democracy innovation
is zero dollars and zero people.
i guess, in usa
one can innovate everything
as long as citizens
do not gain more power.
human rights
war crime
truth is an asset, just like real estate,
in a representative democracy
representative democracy duopoly
divides all the truth
between the two ruling parties.
each party invests all energy
to discredit the truth
owned by the other party.
this results in both parties spending
all their resources
on denying all the truth.
this is how a society stops
to be based in truth
and starts to be based in power.
the only way to save this society
is to innovate democracy
to use, not deny the truth.
the word democracy is meaningless,
and is used to centralize power
like never before in human history.
what we are told democracy is
has never existed,
and probably never will exist.
we need a new better idea.
parliament is a scam
invented by the powerful
to postpone democracy
we do not need representatives
who sell our votes
to people we do not know
we need to innovate
collective decision making
so everyone participates
all politicians dream
of managing foreign policy
because this is one thing
where little people
can not tell them what to do.
all foreign policy
always ends up killing children.
not one or two,
but hundreds and thousands,
and tens of thousands of children.
and there is zero money
invested in advancing democracy
but there are trillions invested
in weapons that always end up
killing children.
is not liberation
but just another control
we do not need julian assange
if we transparently cooperate with governments,
if journalism objectively informs us,
if everyone respects the global rule of law,
if democracy is a reality.
for democracy to really work
we must return to how we used to live
hundred thousand years ago
when we loved people more than ideas
so when we get upset
we chose people over ideas
instead of choosing ideas over people
because ideas are stupid anyway.