
1321 cool about my death

few days ago
for a brief moment
i felt a deep calm
about my death.
i somehow understood
that i will not exist.
i am not able
to describe it
but it is the first time
i accepted my death.
it lasted a second only
and now i am afraid again
but at least i know
i can be cool about dying.

1158 no shame in dying

there is no shame
in dying
we never get to practice it

1012 imagination is dying

there are fewer and fewer people
who can masturbate
using imagination only

979 the genius of mozart

was fucking around
until he started dying

826 giorgia meloni

giorgia is the last hope
of dying grandparents
living in dying towns

thank you corona

thank you corona
for killing my father
quickly and out of my sight
i have no idea
how i would behave
if he was dying
slowly and in front of me.
maybe i would be have been
the best son
or maybe not.