
1314 empathy

there are people
who will crash their car
into you
just for fun
and they will laugh
while you try to kill them
with a dull knife.

some of us know
why these people do this.

1075 who designs ai?

some people believe
that empathy reduces growth.
hopefully, these people
are not designing ai.

778 hitler’s penis

whenever i want to fix the world
I end up thinking about hitler’s penis.
i do not think
there was anything wrong with his penis.
i think he felt what anyone can feel
and we must all feel what he felt
or we will manufacture new hitlers.
this requires extreme empathy
but also courage to go against
the dogma that something was wrong
with his penis.
while i have the empathy
i do not know if i have the courage.

crypto empathy

recession is on the doorstep
so i bought some ethereum
and i asked pauly
to explain nfts in a single tweet
and he replied: no,
his “no” made me sad
but he knew i feel this way
so he also replied: but good morning.
he reminded me
how people are actually nice
in spite of all the war, money, and death.
thank you pauly, whoever you are.

rip miltos manetas

time transformed
a perfect human
into a fear algorithm
by erasing his
empathy and vision