
1376 why are curators not fun?

i always wanted to have a gallery art show.
my kids would like it.

to have a show i need to be friends with curators.
for twenty five years i have been meeting curators
but they have always been strange to me.

one told me:
you are not young, you are not famous, do not send me anything.
another one told me:
there are only two artists that matter, and you are not one of them.
one booked a show with me,
cancelled it because of illness, and never called me back.

i do not know what the problem is,
but i just can not have fun with curators.
it is an impossible clique to enter.

1368 a famous chinese proverb

a young person is young
because they hold the belief
that they will create the change
in the world

an old person is old
because they hold the belief
they they will create the change
in the world

1298 an interesting interest

sometimes i wonder
how famous and powerful wipe their asses.
do they do it the same way i do?
they must!
long gone are the days
when they hired people to wipe their asses.
enlightenment ended that job opportunity.
do they use wet wipes?
are they special expensive wet wipes?
do they stick their finger a little bit inside
to scoop it up?
or do they just gently fly over?
if you are famous and powerful
please call me to tell me
how you wipe your ass.
my phone is +38163268906.

1029 i am very famous

believe me, I am
a very very very famous poet.
i have been
very very very successful
and i am very loved.

838 i hope i never become famous

as soon as i become famous
my poetry will be erased
because it is not binary

749 when i become famous

sometimes i imagine
how i am super famous
and i am on tv
and i speak the biggest truths
and everyone is amazed
and loves me
and is changed

johnny depp vs amber heard

famous people
are famous
they want to be famous
not because they want
to make the world better

boss of necklaces

i have this huge enthusiasm
to write one more huge epic poem
which is a copy of
lord of the rings
but with my all my best friends
in real roles
this poem is going to be so awesome
i will become famous
and everybody will love me