
1262 tucker putin interview

again we are tricked
into being passive observers
of a fake fight between politicians.

as long as we believe
one is bad and other is good
we will be their bitches.

they stage fake fights (like wwe)
to appear important and necessary
while fucking up everything else.

all politicians are bad
because they are not innovating
how to give us more power.

instead they only innovate
how to gain more power
with media, division, and war.

1186 fuck books

just because you
read, own, write, quote a lot of books,
it does not mean you know shit.

books are just a fucking product
made to help you feel smarter than others.
they are a louis vuitton bag.

sure, writing a book
takes a lot of brain effort
but so does masturbating ten times a day.

smart people were much more useful
before books were invented.
they did not need 300 pages to be heard.

if you want to be smart
do not buy things
that make you feel smart.

1033 the error of the great

so many great minds
fell in the trap
of fucking around with language

979 the genius of mozart

was fucking around
until he started dying

i fucking hate love

i hate
that i love so much
everyone including
my parents, girlfriend, kids, friends,
and random people.

i fucking hate it
to the point when
i want to just
kill everyone
because i love them
so much.

more by usher

more by usher
is the best song i heard in my life
it is so fucking awesome
i can not describe it
if you take all art ever made and
compress it in a three minute experience
you can maybe reach
only one promil of how good
more by usher is
i want to sing it every second of my life
if i die after it finshes it is ok
because i heard it
i do not want to die before it finishes
if i am falling off a cliff and i hear it on radio
i will be super happy
if i crash and explode before it finshes
i will be pissed
if it finishes and one millisecond
i crash and die it is ok
but not ok because i want to hear
more by usher again
more more more
i want more by usher
installed in my brain so
only thing i heard for the rest of my life
is unlimited repeat of more by usher
i want my kids to only speak
the words of more by usher
if they make a mistake i will kill them
i want to kill anyone
who even says this song is not
the best sound that will ever
exist in the reality of our universe
or any dimension
anyone who disagrees with this
will die instantly
i will cut their eyes out with my eyelashes
while singing more by usher
fuck this song is good
i am so happy to be alive to hear it
anything else in life is meaningless
more by usher!!!!!

neenstars mai fucked

miltos manetas
mike calvert
rafael rozendaal
jimmy hendrix
george bush
nikola tesla
frodo baggins
donald duck