
1330 everything popular is stupid

everything that is popular
is extremely stupid and useless
because for it to be popular
it needs to be
generic and simple enough
so billions can understand it
without any motivation for it.

smart and useful stuff
is unpopular, hidden, and difficult.

1292 product designers to the rescue

the world is not changed
by books, entertainment, and politics.
it is changed by products.

product designers give everyone
access to the best science and ideas
by designing products that share them.

this is even more important today
when the best science and ideas
are often ignored and hidden.

only the product designers
can save this world.

991 the new censorship

the truth can be found
in a long hard to read text
behind a paywall.

finding the truth
requires more money and time
than most people have.

if the truth is not
simple, fast, and free,
then it is hidden.

we never had more truth
closer to us
but out of our reach.

964 hidden in plain sight

representative duopoly
is an evil
hidden in plain sight

868 open evil

open evil
is not evil anymore
evil is always hidden

736 i will stick with shitty poems

for a short moment
i had a daydream
how i will take weeks
to write a perfect poem
with lots of hidden meaning
and perfect rhythm and rhyme
but i quickly woke up and remembered
how i am too stupid and lazy for that

usa is the best fucking country in the world

usa is a seriously fucked up place
but it is still the best
which says a lot about the other places.

it is the only place where
you can be worshiped for doing weirdest shit
and this is why they innovate more than any other place.

for all of you bitches who think china is better
just remember that
you will never be chinese.

for all of you idiots who think eu is better
just remember that obvious fuckups
are better than hidden fuckups.

if you want a better world
fix usa
because it is here to stay.