
1377 nepo babies

ages ago, hollywood was created
to help us learn from each other
by sharing our truths.

but it was conquered by powerful families
who lost interest in our stories
and needed us only as consumers.

to maintain power and revenue
families created templates, tech, and pr,
but our truth and knowledge were lost forever.

1300 hollywood hates humans

hollywood really really
does not like to work
with humans
and everything they have done
since they started
is to get rid of humans
and work with
easy to control machines

1294 90 min only

would a 90 min film
which follows someone
through a normal day
would be more interesting to us
than most of the expensive
hollywood films made today

1223 i do not like hollywood

i do not like hollywood
because they never
made a movie
with a main character
with whom i can
identify with

1153 death of hollywood

the hollywood is dead
and everyone there
is just a zombie
surviving on rat brains
and pigeon shit

1046 hollywood obsession with death

i never noticed before
how obsessed with death
hollywood is.
it is a bit weird.

816 more truth about hollywood

johnny depp chose
to be in kids movies only because
he is not a believable action hero

715 i never lied to you

my poems are better than
all i do is tell you the truth
and they don’t

703 hollywood v2

imagine hollywood
in which actors are replaced by writers
as the most important
and everyone cares about writing
and writers are paid millions
and actors are just someone
you forget

will smith v2

in another dimension
there is a will smith
who was punished
for his idiotic impulsive violence
and this was seen by taliban kids
who stopped believing
that the west is corrupt
and became artists
like the real hollywood actors

hollywood is dead

the most successful hollywood films
reach only few percent of the global population
hollywood did not grow with the world
and has lost influence,
but it is still doing better than opera.

nine levels of racism

zero: not racist at all
who: people living in total isolation from the imaginary concept of race
example: young children and sentinelese

one: individuals aware of race
who: people confused about race by mass media bombardment
example: everyone not mentioned in other levels

two: individuals motivated by trauma
who: people who were traumatized by another race member
example: south african farmers

three: individual racists
who: people who accept that they are in some way racist
example: your childhood friend after three beers

four: organized covert racist signaling
who: organizations with propaganda featuring hidden racist messages out of hope or stupidity
example: most twenty year old hollywood films

five: marketing organizations
who: organizations selling low quality products thinking this is good enough for other races
example: most big brand cheap consumer products

six: exploitative organizations
who: organizations which exploit resources of other races
example: most big companies

seven: mass media direct racist messaging
who: mass media repeating racial stereotypes suggesting other races are inferior
example: most TV stations

eight: covert institutional racism
who: institutions which systematically enforce racism against official laws
example: race targeted police brutality

nine: institutional racism
who: institutions which enforce racism with official laws
example: all governments


the scariest thing
about hollywood is
that it has
programmed me
to be something
which is not me
and therefore i have
never existed
and my entire life
was lost