
1329 humans are weird

at their last second of life
they will try to hug
their murderer
in hope of human contact.

1302 what is your favorite movie?

how can i be sure
that i was not programmed by media
to think a bad movie is good?

should a movie be celebrated
as the pinnacle of human endeavor
or is it just the result of competition control?

am i confused by other bad products
that make trillions
by manipulating media and politics?

and if i do not know
which movie is good or not
what else is not me?

1276 democracy is a scam

the word democracy is meaningless,
and is used to centralize power
like never before in human history.

what we are told democracy is
has never existed,
and probably never will exist.

we need a new better idea.

1036 easy relationships

i want to know you
as a fellow human being
with all the nice and ugly stuff,
and you can know me.

but i do not want to participate
in your pathetic power games
you need to play to survive,
nor will i drag you into mine.

1010 iq score is racist

iq scores generalize us
with a single insignificant trait
similar to skin color, age, nationality.

we need to stop
classifying billions of people
using reductive binary tests.

we need to accept
that every human is a genius
from whom we can all learn.

907 conflict and war are not natural

conflict and war
are results of idiotic planning
and not of magical wisdom system

saying that conflict and war
are human nature
is saying that we will always be idiots

848 metamodernism on complexity

complexity of human society
is exponentially increasing
forcing old ideas to merge

841 evolution has stopped

the most successful human trait
in the current social systems
is the future of humanity

828 supply and demand automation

no human will ever ask
5,000 euros for one night
in an small apartment in rome

803 russia and will smith

the greatest error in every war
is that false reduction of human needs
to binary caricatures
preventing real listening
necessary for true human cooperation.
our true enemy is lack of understanding
of gradual damage caused by the silent change.

768 my gesture for che zara blomfield

my gesture for che zara blomfield
is a reminder for me and everyone else
that all people benefit from making art,
that there is no bad or good art,
and that art should decentralize all human communication.
i hope this gesture works out!

767 what it takes

it was always clear
that individual success requires
extreme human specialization
which can only be achieved by mentally ill

746 a perfect poem which saves all people

as i said before
my goal is to write
a perfect poem which saves all people.

to achieve this
i must practice writing every day
and focus on the most abstract level
of the human experience.

most importantly
i must find the perfect moment
to write this poem
which is the last moment of my life
when i am still fit to write.

the biggest challenge is
to know when is
my last poetry writing moment
and capture it.

738 free yourself from everything

i would like to write a poem
which can free all of us from all pressures
and help us transcend the human condition

734 tourism

tourism could have been
a personal discovery of human diversity

but actually it is about
going to another country
and giving locals a ton of money
to act as our slaves
while we pretend to be royalty
for a week or two.

sorry for such a cynical poem.
i was thinking if i should write it
for a whole week.

i love tourism.
but it is ruined!
but i love it!

rules for ai art?

a human can make an ai which makes art.
a human can make an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
a human can make an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
but a human can not make an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes an ai which makes art.
it stops at three levels.
am i wrong?

in rome we met auriea harvey

auriea harvey
has moved to rome
so she can connect
to the secret source
of mystic divine energy
and act as a human vessel
for materialization of messages
from an ancient race of gods
that want us to reach new dimensions.

also she prefers rome
because it is warmer than belgium
and has better food.

what to do now?

human consciousness is unique
it reached a point where
it changes itself faster than evolution

two types of marketers

those who hack ancient animal algorithms
those who hack future human potential

not cinema according to scorsese

unnecessary nudity,
product placement,
unnecessary effects,
cool for the sake of cool,
and anything else
that is a distraction from
one group of human beings
trying to communicate how they feel
to another group of human beings
using film.


human species have already
evolved into ubermensch.

ubermensch live among us
and are million times smarter than we are.

but they do not care to do anything special
and we do not know about them.


you can be liberated
only if you change your mind
at least a hundred thousand times.

changing your mind
less than that many times
is not really liberating.

rip miltos manetas

time transformed
a perfect human
into a fear algorithm
by erasing his
empathy and vision

five things you should know about me

i am on planet earth
i am human
i am male
i like to eat
i need lots of love