
1377 nepo babies

ages ago, hollywood was created
to help us learn from each other
by sharing our truths.

but it was conquered by powerful families
who lost interest in our stories
and needed us only as consumers.

to maintain power and revenue
families created templates, tech, and pr,
but our truth and knowledge were lost forever.

1319 words that lost meaning

human rights
war crime

1217 learn to believe

we have lost the skill
of believing

knowing how to believe
is important because
not everything is known

1052 lost poem

an old man wrote
the most powerful poem
in his head
just before he died

974 the lost west

long long time ago
the west was an idea
which absorbs all other ideas
making everything better.

the west is an idea
in conflict with all other ideas
making everything worse.

961 did we destroy all art?

there is a 63 % chance that we lost
all ability to understand and make art
and what we understand and make now
is not art but something else
much less useful

948 social media future

it is inevitable
that all the content
and all the connections
on all your social media
will be lost

927 lost memories

do you remember
how long time ago
we lived in small groups
and everyone knew everyone
and had real work to do

710 i want to be a visual artist

i always wanted to be a visual artist
but i was never able to be one
because i have way to many ideas all the time.

i want to test all my ideas very quickly
so i can find the next one
as fast as possible.

visual art is very technical and slow to make
and i can not do my research into the unknown
as fast i want to.

poetry is still too slow
even though
i removed all the style and grammar requirements.

ideal art format for me
would be if someone
plugged in my consciousness directly.

everything else is just so frustrating
and so many amazing ideas are lost.
the need for speed is my technical limitation.

707 belgrade clouds are gone

today was a very sunny day in belgrade
and there were no clouds
and the sky was blue.

this is as if swiss alps disappeared
in the middle of the ski season,
as if the caribbean lost all the beaches.

hollywood is dead

the most successful hollywood films
reach only few percent of the global population
hollywood did not grow with the world
and has lost influence,
but it is still doing better than opera.


the scariest thing
about hollywood is
that it has
programmed me
to be something
which is not me
and therefore i have
never existed
and my entire life
was lost


first trash it
how dirty and primitive it is
and when it is dead and gone
then miss it and love it
as lost beauty and value.
repeat forever