
959 simple history of big ideas

buddhism: try not to care
hedonism: let’s just have fun
stoicism: do what you can
christianity: say you are sorry, but mean it
capitalism: how much is it?
anarchism: don’t force me!
marxism: the boss should share more
nihilism: don’t waste time
modernism: everything is science
postmodernism: leave them alone!
metamodernism: all ideas are ok

848 metamodernism on complexity

complexity of human society
is exponentially increasing
forcing old ideas to merge

823 metamodernism explained 3

just because something is
it does not mean it is any good

817 metamodernism explained 2

is best explained
as an opposite to zero-sum

802 metamodernism is indirect

metamodernism is
directly indirect because it is
covertly overt

799 metamodernism explained

metamodernism is
ideological fluidity
enabling connecting to everyone

796 redemption through metamodernism

just like most of the isms
metamodernism is way to forgive ourselves
for the evils we did for the sake of change

791 metamodernism

if modernism and postmodernism
are left alone
they will suck out all the fun out of us