vanessa is super mega ultra busy.
she is more busy
than the busiest person that ever lived.
she is more busy than
billion busy people
working on the busiest project
in the history of the universe.
she is so busy
that we need a new word for busy.
she is busier than god.
so do not expect her
to have time to meet you
for a relaxing coffee.
all bad things
started as good things
which eventually became bad
because they lingered long enough
and nothing new and better
replaced them.
the only way
to never have bad things
is to always
quickly replace good things
with new good things.
1000 years ago
york was old
but then it became new
and that is it.
this is a stupid poem.
i thought it would be better.
i am very sorry.
modernists believed
they are building
a better new eternity
but actually
they were used
as an excuse for change
for the sake of change
i will me in NYC
from 7 until 13 april
and i would be happy
to meet someone new.
call me at +38163268906!
things presented as liberating tech
are often just another stupid useless product.
we already have enough tech
to liberate everyone but we do not do it.
we do not need new tech to liberate us.
we can be liberated by using old tech in a better way.
to understand
how limited we are
by language
just try to learn
a new language
after a few days
of not being in a mood
to write poems
i finally wrote a poem
the truth can be found
in a long hard to read text
behind a paywall.
finding the truth
requires more money and time
than most people have.
if the truth is not
simple, fast, and free,
then it is hidden.
we never had more truth
closer to us
but out of our reach.
using complex words
and inventing new words
is often a way
to lie to others
and yourself.
go back to the source:
use simple words
and you will be more honest.
did you buy
a new shirt
a salesperson
made you feel bad?
the movie don’t look up
is the new bullshit
taking over the power
of the old bullshit
religion was removed
because it is not good for business
but nothing replaced it
to maintain power use:
fake conflict.
direct conflict,
truthful conversation.
the more we use numbers the less feminine we are.
if we continue this way we will all be masculine
and this will not be masculine as we know it today.
it will be a perverted fucked up masculine
because masculine without feminine is impossible.
actually we will be something completely new
which was born out of the destruction of feminine and masculine.
and trust me, no one wants this new thing. it is scary!
vanessa asked me to write about feminism
so here it goes:
gatherers were replaced by housewives,
housewives were replaced by feminists,
feminists were replaced by millions of fluid gender identities.
in the future
we will all be perfectly equal and free
and we will again be
gatherers, housewives, feminists, and millions of fluid gender identities.
but we will completely forget how to actually be
gatherers, housewives, feminists, and millions of fluid gender identities,
so we will simply invent new better versions of them.