
908 why be a shitty philosopher or a shitty poet

in a world which is overly saturated
with extremely convincing content
you must develop your own thinking frameworks
in order to find your own version of good.

if you allow yourself to be passive,
your identity will dissolve.

write philosophy and poetry because it is easy
and even if it is shitty
you will still be stronger
and more independent, like me.

889 world full of philosophers is better

world would be a much better place
if everyone would complete my
“how to be a philosopher in 4 easy steps”

888 how to be a philosopher in 4 easy steps

step 1 – select terms:
chose words that represent
complex ideas important to you.

step 2 – define terms:
define each term with
one or more short sentences.

step 3 – define relationships between terms:
explain how terms
how they change each other.

step 4 – publish it all online

786 nietzsche and kant are stupid

the main difference between
a real philosopher
an academic philosopher
is that the real philosopher
feels how stupid and useless
all previous philosophers are
and knows that he will be
equally stupid to future philosophers

i am a beginner philosopher

through a lot of trial and error
i have understood that
it is best
that i do not participate
in any current ideology
but simply create
a new meta-ideology
which can unite everyone

anything else
seems like a waste of time
because philosophers
can easily
waste a whole decade
without realizing

i am a philosopher now

andy sent me a link
how to be a philosopher.
i can do more than half
of what that link suggests
and in my opinion
that is enough.