just wanted to make sure
that all of you know
that all of you can write
poems like this
and it will make your life
a little bit better.
this is as easy as it gets
and there is nothing elitist
about it.
visual art is decorative
poetry is ugly
visual art is manufactured to be sold
poetry is a search for the truth
it takes decades to become a visual artist
we are all poets
you need approval to be a visual artist
we are all poets
visual art needs a professional sales system
poems last a second in our minds
visual artist pretends to be a rebel to sell more
poet is a rebel that never sells
visual artist is great when they sell more
poet is great when they make more poets
visual artist competes
poet helps
there are no bad poems.
there are only readers
who are at that moment
distracted, grumpy, angry,
or in some other way
closed to the message.
for every poem that i wrote
there are seven poems
i did not write
i was afraid of taking it too far
or i was unable to find the words.
and, in my megalomania,
i feel guilt
that i am too weak
to enlighten you with the truth,
but only way forward
is not to quit
but to keep writing safe and easy poems
like this one.
last night a friend reminded me
that i should write poems more often.
at that very moment in my head
i came up with the best poem ever.
but this morning i forgot most of it
and all i remember is:
mayonnaise and béchamel
are not so hard to make at home.
once your basic needs are satisfied
you can achieve happiness
simply by changing your opinion
and the best way to change
your opinion is to read
and the best thing to read
to change your opinion
is a short honest poem
and the best short honest poems
for changing your opinion
could be mine,
but they are not.
i am again
very very very sorry
for writing
all these political poems
but i am a middle aged dad
who knows little about football.
do not think of me
as a grumpy political guy.
i am actually just a grumpy guy… not.
i write a poem for a friend
and someone else likes it
and i imagine
how that random person
is actually my friend
whom i did not meet yet
i started writing
poems in serbian
and i discovered
a whole new side to me.
i can not wait
to start writing poems
in italian, german, and greek.
i started writing poetry in serbian
in a separate instagram account.
soon i will start writing poetry in italian.
and later maybe in german.
my ultimate goal is
that people from every culture
tell me that my poems are not poems,
but are actually basic sentences
with random line breaks.
i have to again
for how shitty and cringe
my poems are.
sometimes i read them
and i am
utterly mortified
how shitty they are.
including this one.
i felt sorry
that i did not write
more poems this week
but then i realized
that when i am dead
no one will care
if i wrote one or hundred
poems in a week.
irena told me
i should
write a poem today.
i said: fuck that,
i will not write poems
on a saturday.
i first write in a google doc
they i publish on my website
then on my facebook page
then i make an image
which i publish
first on my telegram channel
and then on x.com
and then i email the image to myself
and i open that email on my phone
and i publish the image
on my instagram as a post and a story
and finally i publish it on tiktok
and if a poem is particularly interesting
i will ask irena and my kids to read it
rafael’s lenticulars
are usually 67 centimeters tall.
rafael recently shared a photo
in which he is in japan
and he is smaller than his lenticular.
i am worried that the japanese
miniaturized rafael.
can someone please explain this.
is rafael ok? call me at +38163268906!
this is one of the best poems ever.
i told my friend
that he should check out
my poems
i wrote a poem about him.
but that was a lie.
i did not write a poem
about him.
it really is ok
to write
really bad poems
for couple of decades
some of my poems
are really really bad
but if you give them
couple of years
or decades
they will become
really really good
my poems are usually
very short
because i want them
to be as fast as paintings
and as clear as jokes
i do not understand
why all of you
do not write poems.
it is so easy.
just write a poem now!
every time when
i do not write poems
for a long time
i wish to start again with
a very important poem
i really love
publishing poems
on all social media,
i love the likes and messages,
and i am sorry that
my poems are not
always awesome.
i will try
to write ten poems
not about
pretentious philosophical things
i really really want to
write a poem about clouds
because poems about clouds
became some kind of a
special thing
which is weird.
i hope i have not ruined it
language is a technology
developed by everybody
talking and writing to each other,
including my poems
as you can see
from my last two poems
and my previous poems
i am very bad at writing poems
about current tragic events
so i will stick to writing poems
about clouds
if i lived 1000 years i would:
speak 20 languages,
play 5 instruments,
master charcoal drawing,
design and build many houses,
work as a scientist for a century,
start at least 50 businesses,
write 20 books,
write 100,000 poems,
have 40 children,
compete in almost every sport…
today i will write
one of the best poems
i have ever written
no matter how stylish
my poems are
there will always be someone
who says they have no style
i like to write poems
about poems
because not many people
can do something
about that something
so it is special
do not underestimate
how difficult it is
to write
these shitty poems.
each of them needed
a unique moment of
desperate agency.
it is impossible
to write a perfect poem
because poems use language
and language is always
fucked up and wrong
and it is up to the reader
to figure them out
i have not written
any poems
for few weeks
and i feel like
i forgot how to
write poems
all my cloud poems
are inspired
by clouds
in a world where
trillions are invested
and millions are employed
to promote weird untested ideas
few critical poems are welcome
the real question is:
why are you bothering me
about few critical poems
when they are
in your interest too?
i have not written poems
about clouds
because it was cloudy
i am sorry
for being too lazy to
write poems for a few days
7 very large meals
90 mins on the toilet
playing decade old games
nothing to watch
writing random poems
lack of distraction from death
total inability to plan
my youngest son
is still making fun of me
for not using rhyme in my poems
there is so little
that can be said
with these short poems
these short poems are
the stupidest things i ever wrote
but they get likes on instagram
i will try to write shorter poems
because they are easier to read
and i can use a bigger font in instagram
one hour after
my poems
are not mine
they are written
by some stranger
i might have met
long long time ago
the worst way
to write a poem
is to try to write a poem.
you will either
wait for seven hours
to get a decent idea
or you will write
a shitty poem
like i just did.
for few days
i did not write poems
and i felt bad about it.
i wanted to write poems
about credit cards,
my kids as forty year olds,
and some other stuff,
but no poems really emerged.
that is it. that is the poem.
numbering my poems
is important
as a reminder to you
that no single poem
is important
for a short moment
i had a daydream
how i will take weeks
to write a perfect poem
with lots of hidden meaning
and perfect rhythm and rhyme
but i quickly woke up and remembered
how i am too stupid and lazy for that
i write poems
which salvador dali
was too afraid to write
someone fifty years from now
will write poems
that i am too afraid to write
i care
about the quality of my poems
as much as i care
about the quality of my diarrhea
which does not mean
that my poems
can not change the world.
my poems are better than
all i do is tell you the truth
and they don’t
i got carried away
with writing complex poems.
sometimes i read them later
and i have no idea
what they are about.
here is a simpler poem
so we can all relax a bit.
i am trying to avoid
socially and politically critical poems
but i just can not resist writing this one.
human race is able
to industrially manufacture anything
using factories and mass media.
we can manufacture any type of a person,
like an elite athlete or a murdering soldier,
but we are somehow running out of critical thinkers.
we could easily manufacture critical thinkers.
that knowledge exists for a century
and it is easier than manufacturing murdering soldiers.
but living on a planet full of critical thinkers
is to complex for us to imagine
so we are afraid of doing it.
but a planet full of stupid obedient people
appears safer and more comforting
no matter what kind of a mess they make.
i write my poems
so they pop up on top of search results
but they never do
the whole world would explode
i am sure someone will say
that i do not know how to do seo poetry
but i am more inclined to believe
that poems can never be allowed
to be so important
after two decades
of writing poems
i am still not sure
if i should write numbers
as digits or words
when read silently
the brain hears numbers
in both cases
the same way
it is easier to read digits
but maybe not so pretty
my poems
are not important
because i write well.
i am actually
very bad at writing.
my poems are important
because i believe
in what i try to write
with every particle
of my existence.
i have been writing poems
in this poetry stream
for more than twenty years.
i do not know
when i wrote my poems
so i decided to just number them.
when i started
numbering my poems
i thought there are thousands.
actually there are only 684
and most of them were written
in the last few years.
i disappointed myself again
by proving to myself
what a shitty poet i am.
i took me more than twenty years
to write only 684 poems.
and not one single poem rhymes.
i will not
write a poem today.
i am not into it.
i am bored to do it.
it feels like a chore.
my head is empty
and i have nothing to share.
maybe tomorrow
i will write one
but, sorry,
today there are
no new poems.
i am sorry
that i did not publish poems
in the last two weeks.
i did a road trip
across italy
with irena and the kids.
i wrote this poem
as if someone noticed
and cared.
write ten poems or draw ten drawings
and you are bound to stumble upon
some kind of a truth
which was hidden from you
your entire life.
it is that easy
to open the doors of perception
if you have the courage.
but the better you become
in writing poems and drawing drawings
the more poems and drawings
you must make
to open the doors
and it gets scarier and scarier.
i am getting
more stylish and less shitty
at writing poems
which is not good
because i like my poems best
when they are super shitty.
i wish i could go back in time
to when i was super shitty
and stay there forever
because i am afraid of
becoming even more stylish.
just because
sometimes i accept
autocomplete suggestions
for my poems
it does not mean
i am friends with it
i know i have been writing
a lot of political angry poems
but this is how i feel
these days.
i am sorry for this.
if you are bored by my political angry poems
you can go to nikolatosicpoetry.com
and find my other poems
back when i was not so political and angry
or you can just wait for me to start
writing other poems again.
i can not be political and angry forever.
i am sorry.
monday – pretentious philosophical virtue signaling poems
tuesday – loser kissing ass to celebrities poems
wednesday – moronic poems about toilet paper and shit
thursday – my father died poems
friday – i am sorry i am a shitty poet poems
weekend – fuck poetry
i am not sure
if my poems
are becoming even more cringy
or my perception is changing.
either way,
i will proceed down this path
of cringe.
i am writing these confusing poems
and i do not know
where they are taking me
it is fun and scary
i need to eat less and exercise more
to stay alive long enough
to see the end of it all
some great poets never wrote a poem
some great poets write really bad poems
some great poems write really good poems
i am reaching a point
when i have to be careful
not to write poems
which can get me in trouble
obviously there is a limit
to what is acceptable
even for poetry.
maybe then
i will write poems
just for me
and hide them from everyone else.
my poems are random
because my thinking is random
but i will still not write a poem
about taking a shit
or eating a banana.
or maybe i will.
i read my last 20
or so poems
and they seem to be
really bad.
i apologize
for that.
most of my poems
are written in a timeline
i have been writing
for the past 23 years.
it is a documentation
of one aspect of
half of my life.
this poem is written
on page 501.
i will never again
be able to write poems
as i wrote them
three hours ago
i only read my poems
after i forget
that i wrote them
which is exactly
17 years and 3 mins
after i wrote them.
there is nothing
faster than a poem
when it comes to
telling the truth
about the universe