
1262 tucker putin interview

again we are tricked
into being passive observers
of a fake fight between politicians.

as long as we believe
one is bad and other is good
we will be their bitches.

they stage fake fights (like wwe)
to appear important and necessary
while fucking up everything else.

all politicians are bad
because they are not innovating
how to give us more power.

instead they only innovate
how to gain more power
with media, division, and war.

usa killed julian assange

putin is maybe
more merciful
than usa
when it comes to
killing those
who expose
their secrets

pro-putin art at la biennale

it is a mistake
to ban pro-putin art from la biennale
war is only a symptom
and we will never eradicate it
if we do not understand the cause

alternative putin

putin took the oil and gas profit
and invested it in innovation
which solved the global poverty
and the climate crisis.

he offered amazing benefits
to innovators and artists
and attracted the best in the world
setting a new standard for all countries.

he did all this in his first term
and the entire world loved him
but he still left
so he could be with his grandkids.

future of the forgotten ukraine

in the year 2024
ukraine is a zombie state
under putin’s control
long forgotten
by the social media warriors.

in the year 2030
ukraine has been detached
from the metaverse
and its resistance movement
has been poisoned by plutonium.

in the year 2096
ukraine has been liberated
when Putin’s grandson was overthrown
and can finally adopt
flying cars and villas on mars.

a poem by putin

this world offers nothing but fear!
i will die soon so i must do something now!
fuck you all!

thank you putin

thank you putin
for being
the biggest promoter of
clean local decentralized energy sources
in the history of humankind

serbian idiots

in this very moment
some idiots in serbia
are taking notes from putin
for their plan
to take back kosovo
in 2035

biden and putin talk about ukraine

vlad, i am in deep shit here.
inflation is up, stocks are down.
i need something.

i know, joe.
here they are squeezing me
about my house
and a bunch of other shit.

so what do we do, vlad?

give me a week to
get some war shit going.
that facebook stuff
is not enough anymore.

ok, cool.
but make it a bit scary.
people do not react anymore
to regular war.
be creative.

poem for trump clinton putin farage merkel and all the other representatives

i have had enough
of the politicians bombarding me
with fake bullshit drama.
all they want is power
to represent me
without accountability.
fuck that!
they are all the same
and they all play the game
against us.
true freedom does not
include a representative
but direct democracy
on issues.
and do not fall for that
brexit trap.
that is not it.
that is another fake trick
by the representatives
to get in our minds
and get us excited
about bullshit.
they are all the same.
the good and the bad ones.
we do not need representatives.
fuck them!