
1359 really 2

i really did not want
to write a poem
and i really had
nothing to say
so i wrote this poem

1209 lazy poem

it is difficult
to write a poem
but not because
i have nothing to say
but because i am lazy

1033 tomato

this poem
is trying to say
some very difficult things
and i really need
your help
in figuring it out,
so please read it well.

954 complexity of language

every word
is spoked by one person
to at least three people:
one other person, themselves, the world.

every word
can have thousands of meaning
but always has at least four meanings:
what the speaker intended to say,
what the speaker revealed accidentally,
what the listener intended to hear,
what the listener revealed accidentally.

life lesson number one

people never
mean what they say.
we must always
work hard to figure out
what they really want.
and it can be very different
from what they say.
if you continue
taking everything literally
your life will be a living hell
of never ending
you will be disconnected
from humanity.