
1377 nepo babies

ages ago, hollywood was created
to help us learn from each other
by sharing our truths.

but it was conquered by powerful families
who lost interest in our stories
and needed us only as consumers.

to maintain power and revenue
families created templates, tech, and pr,
but our truth and knowledge were lost forever.

1150 the truth, again

our feelings and inspiration
are the only truth
and none of our languages
can share it.

we will never know
the truth of other people
and all we will only know
our own truth.

words like god and love
are just simple lies
that do not come close
to sharing the truth.

811 true art has no celebrities

true artists are invisible
because they are not competing
but only sharing

755 the freedom of poetry

writing poems
allows me to express
my smallest single isolated ideas
without the burden
of wrapping it up
in a bullshit narrative
or proving it with
bullshit imaginary experiences.

poems are
smallest indivisible particles
of conscious thought
made for sharing.

renaissance v2

this sunday
i have spent
one hour
on writing and sharing
my poetry.
this is much more
than usual
but it is enough
for me to feel
like i started
a renaissance v2.