
1330 everything popular is stupid

everything that is popular
is extremely stupid and useless
because for it to be popular
it needs to be
generic and simple enough
so billions can understand it
without any motivation for it.

smart and useful stuff
is unpopular, hidden, and difficult.

1286 quizat haderach

frank herbert was a smart man
so i can only assume
that his message is
that even
the smartest and the most powerful
person in the universe
can end up
wasting time with politics
of doing something more useful

1256 the future of poetry

it is inevitable
that my poems will become
short funny stupid smart statements
because that is what
everyone wants

1244 you are an asshole if

you are an asshole
if you are making media content
which decreases smart cooperation
by promoting irrationality and division,
and if you believe people
should just shut up and buy.

1229 super smart

i am just guessing
that being super smart
is to overcome the suffering
caused by compassion
for everyone who ever lived
resulting from being super smart.

so super smart people
must be super smart enough
to save themselves
from their super smartness.

1186 fuck books

just because you
read, own, write, quote a lot of books,
it does not mean you know shit.

books are just a fucking product
made to help you feel smarter than others.
they are a louis vuitton bag.

sure, writing a book
takes a lot of brain effort
but so does masturbating ten times a day.

smart people were much more useful
before books were invented.
they did not need 300 pages to be heard.

if you want to be smart
do not buy things
that make you feel smart.

1121 math is very smart

math is
a very smart language
used to describe
very stupid things.

always liked
making very smart things
for very stupid purposes.

1018 generalization is not smart

although it can appear
that generalized statements,
like this one,
are very smart,
they are actually stupid

996 embrace complexity

you can hate and love
you can be smart and stupid
you can be evil and good
you can have fun and be bored
and everything in between
all of it together
at the same nanosecond
all the time.

do not simplify existence
just because language is limited.

842 vb93

spectacle is fun but stupid.
her message is not fun but smart.
together they are fun and smart.

824 tradition explained

tradition is when
kids are smart enough to know
when to trust their parents

727 my shitty visual art

it is a great challenge for me
to create visual art
because visual art has to be cool
and can not be cringe
because it must decorate
and present the collector
as powerful, smart, successful.
and all visual art i make
is ugly, stupid, cringe,
which is how i like it.

706 easiest way to help

if someone does not have the words
to explain their emotions
let them express themselves
any way they can
and give them time
to find their words

everyone is smart
but not everyone is eloquent

698 prostitutes are super smart

prostitutes are super smart
and anyone who says otherwise
was never with a prostitute
or has never understood
what a prostitute does

i am a nice and smart poet

sometimes i write
too many nice and smart poems
and then i feel a need to write
a poem that reminds me and you
that i am also an asshole and an idiot
but those poems
again turn out nice and smart.
i guess i can not help it:
i am a nice and smart poet.

choosing sides in war

in every war
i fight with all my heart
for the people of the future
who have evolved beyond war
who are equal and immortal
and enjoy their time
being smart and cool

freedoms we must fight for

freedom to live forever
freedom to not be a citizen
freedom to belong to no nation
freedom to be a philosopher without knowing anything about philosophy
freedom to be important
freedom to have talent without talent
freedom to be accepted
freedom to be completely change everything about yourself every day
freedom to be the biggest asshole
freedom to be stupid and still be treated as smart
freedom to be valuable somehow

smartest poem so far

are you ready?
here goes!

our consciousness is
not in our brains
but is accessed
by our brains.

everyone is religious
because our whole lives
we give gifts to gods
so they spare us
from death.

progress of humanity
is hijacked
by those
who fear the most.

do you like it?
am i smart?

how to be smart

the best motivator
to be smart
is fear.
the more afraid you are
the smarter you are.
the more comfortable you are
the stupider you are.

why war is just such shit

i was browsing nonsense websites
for six hours
doing absolutely nothing useful
and thinking how i am wasting time

i somehow ended up listening
the animals’ house of the rising sun
and then it hit me
why war is just such shit

i felt an urge to share
this revelation
and i realized that the best way
is to write a poem

here goes

very smart people can easily
understand themselves and others
which helps them discover
nonviolent productive solutions

not very smart people
can not understand much
and they can not say the right things
and they end up communicating with violence

it takes a very smart person
to make everybody happy
for them it is easy
just like swimming is for champion swimmer

not very smart person
has problems figuring things out
and gets confused
and makes a mess

this is why war just such shit
because it is a product of morons
it is that simple
share this poem

love poem v2

my woman does not need to be beautiful
my woman does not need to be smart
my woman does not need to be rich
my woman does not need to be or do anything

advice to rafael

you are a
very smart
very hardworking
very talented
very dutch boy

this book shows
that very early
you have discovered
a working system

is it worth
your life
to this
or any system

or should you go
where no dutch boy
has gone before

i am so smart

i am so smart
i could just explode

i am so smart
i should never die
and if i ever die
every second of my life
should be studied by
million scientists

i am so smart
that i can only
talk to
dolphins and aliens

i am so smart
so gods envy me

i am so smart
if you smell my fart
you can learn
all the secrets
of the universe

cats are smarter

they do not need clothes

they talk only
when there is something
important to be said

they do not restrain
carnal desires

they live in a state
of nirvana by default

they communicate
with their excrements