for the last ten years
i have been thinking
if i should make
my teeth prettier
and i always decided
to leave them ugly
because i do not want
people to like me
because i am pretty
when we are far
from doing things with hands
or people who do things with hands
then we start having
crazy virtual impractical ideas
which can easily kill billions
eight years ago
i moved in this place
and i placed all my
underwear and socks
in a single drawer.
for the last six years
i was thinking
about organizing
my underwear and socks
in a different way
but i never
got around doing it.
this weekend i will sit down
and make the art for my first solo show.
i was thinking about it every day for months
and now i finally have to do it.
i do not know what it will be.
i will discover what it is after i make it.
it will be a study of miltos manetas and his art,
or something like that.
it already sounds super cheesy.
scientists and engineers
should stop making fun of
religion, philosophy, art
because without those three
science and engineering
would never exist.
religion, philosophy, art
are easy targets
they appear as nonsense
to anyone using math.
math simply does not allow
this kind of weird thinking.
in a world which is overly saturated
with extremely convincing content
you must develop your own thinking frameworks
in order to find your own version of good.
if you allow yourself to be passive,
your identity will dissolve.
write philosophy and poetry because it is easy
and even if it is shitty
you will still be stronger
and more independent, like me.
every time
you outsource thinking
you become stupider
we should automate
boring physical activities
to have more time for
higher level thinking
we should not automate
higher level thinking
to have more time for
boring physical activities
i enjoy thinking so much
that i start believing
i would be better off without a body
as a pure thought energy
drifting through the universe.
but then i remember
that without a body
i would miss hugging my kids so much
that i would feel thinking pain
for an entire eternity.
why do i need
to brush my teeth
three times a day
three minutes each time?
why not
two times a day
for one minute?
what is gained
with extra one time a day
and with two extra minutes per brushing?
thinking is useless
you can always think nice thoughts
and still be an idiotic asshole
talking is almost useless
you can say nice smart things
and still be an idiotic asshole
action is mostly useful
because it is hard to fake yourself and others
once it is isolated from bullshit talking and thinking
talking action is a weird option
because talking can be trusted
if it tries really hard to create the right action