
1056 cold baths

the cold baths trend
is a trick designed
to torture the stupid

835 the steve jobs trick

enter an industry
without basic consumer marketing
and add basic consumer marketing

728 the best way to be an artist

the best way to be an artist
is to make money
doing something which is not art
so when you make art
you are not influenced by the buyer.

one trick to escape being a bitch
is to be ironic about it
which is what artists tried to do
in the last hundred years
but then all your art is just irony.

another trick
is to simply become
an extremely evasive addict
and reduce your consciousness
to just wanting money.

nick feinberg

my name is nick
and i am not a prick.
i have a big dick
which makes women sick.
so i learned a cool trick
to be very quick
and then do a little lick
to finish my chick.

the curse of knowledge

the more i learn the more i realize
there is even more to learn

knowledge is unlimited
and i will never learn everything

it is an evil trick!