
1297 i am very very very sorry

i am again
very very very sorry
for writing
all these political poems
but i am a middle aged dad
who knows little about football.
do not think of me
as a grumpy political guy.
i am actually just a grumpy guy… not.

1029 i am very famous

believe me, I am
a very very very famous poet.
i have been
very very very successful
and i am very loved.

1110 life is very long

i have lived for 45 years
and it feels so very long
and i have done so much

932 universe is on fire

universe is just a
very very very very very slow
very very very very very big fire

advice to rafael

you are a
very smart
very hardworking
very talented
very dutch boy

this book shows
that very early
you have discovered
a working system

is it worth
your life
to this
or any system

or should you go
where no dutch boy
has gone before

The scale of cool

Very cool
Super cool
Mega cool
Ultra cool
Uber cool
Beyond cool
Forget cool
Just so cool