
836 i am afraid of green people

i was not afraid
of green people until they
became a political weapon

poetry conspiracy theory

we are told to appreciate
old and perfectly styled poetry
instead of
shitty poetry written five minutes ago
because poetry is
the most powerful weapon of truth

rio tinto protest critique

every sane person knows
rio tinto are assholes who must be stopped
but protesters made a dangerous mistake:
they created the most powerful weapon
by closing up the entire city.
this weapon will be used by many others
for any cause, good or bad,
and it will always win.
now there is no turning back.


open global media
allows my covert enemies
to design and spread information
which turns my innocent friends into weapons.

i have always been and always will be
dedicated to freeing them
from being a weapon
by reminding them that friendship is above all.

essence of advertising

i want emotion
i want life
i want to change everything
i want to be the chosen one
i want to succeed
i want to be loved
i want to love
i want to become
a nuclear weapon of love
i want to live forever
i will live forever
i will never die
and everybody will love me
every second of my neverending life
will be an extreme explosion
of wonderful emotions
time is nothing
love it everything
because i am buying
this toothbrush