
1376 why are curators not fun?

i always wanted to have a gallery art show.
my kids would like it.

to have a show i need to be friends with curators.
for twenty five years i have been meeting curators
but they have always been strange to me.

one told me:
you are not young, you are not famous, do not send me anything.
another one told me:
there are only two artists that matter, and you are not one of them.
one booked a show with me,
cancelled it because of illness, and never called me back.

i do not know what the problem is,
but i just can not have fun with curators.
it is an impossible clique to enter.

1348 why my teeth are ugly

for the last ten years
i have been thinking
if i should make
my teeth prettier
and i always decided
to leave them ugly
because i do not want
people to like me
because i am pretty

1342 bored capitalist

every week
i invent a new business
which would surely
make me and my family
a ton of money.

but i never do it
because i would need to do
years and years
of boring repetitive work
and this is pure hell for me.

sorry kids,
i will not leave you millions
because i get easily bored.

1283 12 years a slave

12 years a slave is
the most unrealistic movie ever
no one working on that movie
was able to imagine
how people actually behave
in such situations

1264 morality, rules, laws

most of the laws
on this planet
are based on rules
in small asian villages
thousands of years ago

1238 i am sorry for the office

i sincerely apologize
for forcing our employees
to come to our office for so many years
before i finally canceled the office
and switched our company
to fully remote.

we wasted so much time and money
on the stupid office
instead of investing in our products.

1230 i hate italy

i hate italy because
it has too much good stuff
all over the place
and i must move around for years
to enjoy just a small part of it

1224 underwear and socks

eight years ago
i moved in this place
and i placed all my
underwear and socks
in a single drawer.

for the last six years
i was thinking
about organizing
my underwear and socks
in a different way
but i never
got around doing it.

1198 i love the real war

i love the real war
the way it was thousands of years ago
when we fought for food and survival
and it was absolutely impossible
to reason with the enemy
and only the smartest won.

what you call war today is not war.
it is a fake mass media bullshit
built with incomplete idiotic ideologies
feeding on the weak and stupid.

when there is a real war – call me.
do not bother me over this new bullshit thing.

1177 really bad poems

some of my poems
are really really bad
but if you give them
couple of years
or decades
they will become
really really good

1091 belgrade, 4 may 2023

every 24 years
the evil clown
comes to town

1087 i want more than 1000 years

if i lived 1000 years i would:
speak 20 languages,
play 5 instruments,
master charcoal drawing,
design and build many houses,
work as a scientist for a century,
start at least 50 businesses,
write 20 books,
write 100,000 poems,
have 40 children,
compete in almost every sport…

1055 sevdah requirements

fresh meat
few years old alcohol
decades old friends
centuries old war stories
millenia old traditions

862 we are not a collective?

i am sure there is
enormous value in a collective
but i am afraid we lost it
by accident
few years ago.
or maybe not.

785 just hacking million years old emotions

it is questionable
how much of the world we built
is based on a huge error
of just hacking million years old emotions.

and it is possible
that everything is based on an error
and that this is not the only and the best outcome
because we are too fast for natural quality control.

720 salvador dali

i write poems
which salvador dali
was too afraid to write

someone fifty years from now
will write poems
that i am too afraid to write

harmless hypertension medicine saves lives

promoting harmless hypertension medicine
gives me an opportunity
to write a poem that
saves lives
and extends consciousness
for hundreds of millions of years

art institutionalization

hundreds of thousands of years ago
someone made the first art
and everyone else loved it
and everyone started doing it
and it made everyone happy

fast forward to now
when there are thousands of institutional layers
in education, manufacturing, distribution or art
attracting millions of political climbers
and making everyone hate art
and torturing the few remaining artist

take it easy vanessa

i admire
how crazy brave ambitious
vanessa beecroft is.
she wants to solve
thousands of years of misery
and save future trillions
with a single photo.
it is not an accident
she and kanye met.

i am 44 years old

i am at the age when
i can say that
i am at the half of my life
but i am closer to the age
when i have to stop
saying that
unless i am in lotr.


what if it
was a metaphor
for media reprogramming
our kids
every 27 years

reading my own poems

i only read my poems
after i forget
that i wrote them
which is exactly
17 years and 3 mins
after i wrote them.